(928) 351-7806 EriginMarketing@gmail.com

The TOP 5 REASONS for Having an Argent Global Membership

Are you considering a change in your lifestyle and work? Maybe you’re finally fed up with the way things go at your job, or you’re underpaid and overworked. It gets old, feeling used up and tired with nothing much to show for it. And sometimes even the paycheck isn’t worth the aggravation you go through, the stress your body feels, just getting to the end of the work week. It really is time to take a hard look at starting your own business. It’s scary, doing something different, but the beauty of an at home online business is you can start small, maybe while you still have a traditional job, and then move up, jump in when you’re ready. I can tell you it was both scary and exhilarating when I decided to do online marketing as a business but now? I can’t imagine my life any other way. So here’s my TOP FIVE REASONS for having an Argent Global Network Membership:

  1. You can put your toe in the water with zero invested.

    Unlike traditional brick and mortar businesses, an online business is relatively quick and easy to start. Traditional franchises (think fast food) require huge up front buy in capital costs and you are tied to leases, buildings, protocols, and employee woes. Not so with your own at home business. If you do your homework you can find business that want and will support your efforts for a relatively inexpensive start up investment. If and when it takes off, you jump all the way in. If not, no great losses. The risk-benefit analysis makes AGN a sensible way to go.

  2. No commute.

    Whew. As I write this in the middle of the worst winter ever I’m watching TV (another advantage) and seeing cars sliding all over the highway. Oh yeah, then there’s places like Atlanta where people going home from work ended up just sleeping in their cars. I’m telling you, commuting sucks. Gas prices, noxious fumes, bad radio, bad traffic….endless stress. So here’s my morning commute: from bed to coffee to the dining room table, in my sweatpants. I get the kids their breakfast and hug the whole gang. There was a time when I’d have to leave before everyone woke up, spend an hour stuck on the freeway, and get home after dinner. No more.

  3. Flexible hours.

    This is amazing. Yes I put in plenty of time but it’s my schedule. I work hard but if I want to go to a parent-teacher conference, or have lunch with a buddy – it’s DONE. My day, my hours, my way.

  4. I decide my own salary.

    No more pandering to a boss about a meager raise. I understand what I have to do to make what I want to make. Essentially, I just give myself a raise when I want it. Sometimes I make more money than others, but it’s all under my control.

  5. I’m saving stress, paper, and the planet.

    So I work in a place I love (my house) generally in really comfortable clothes, talking with customers and friends (eager to build my business and base) and I rarely print a piece of paper or drive a car for business. Saves stress on me and the planet.

There’s about a hundred other reasons why you should start thinking now about your own online marketing gig like mine. In fact, I wonder: what’s your Number One Reason for wanting an online home based business like AGN?

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