(928) 351-7806 EriginMarketing@gmail.com

An Argent Global membership is one of the most rewarding things you can have these days.  Why you ask?  Well… knuckle crack!

let me ask you… have you ever been advertising on a website that was in the top 5k sites in the world and not been a member of it.  Have you ever been able to list something on Ebay and not been a member.  Ok… Strike that, I’m not talking about using uncle Joey’s account.

The idea is that we are paid advertisers for AGN.  We drive traffic to the site and in turn earn a profit share.  AGN is one Gynormous adverstising platform.  Much like your Google, AOl, Yahoo, Amazon, etc.

Do you know how much it is to advertise on Google?  Muchoooo!  A lotttt!

As a member you get to advertise on a site that is almost 3,100 in alexa ratings.  Which is nerd code for really good!

What Else Do I Get?

At the moment there are three different memberships you can purchase.

Silver (10$ Monthly)

Gold (50$ Monthly)

Diamond (100$ Monthly)


What are the differences?

Silver:  This is a great option for poeple who want to start slow and build their business at their own pace.

You are allowed to own up to 5 Ad Vouchers.  Each Voucher can earn you a max of 10$ per week.  Meaning you will have a maximum earning of 50 dollars per week by placing your ads.

Gold:  This is the type of person that is really on the fence.  Really wants to get started but is not quit sure they can do it.  First off, YOU CAN!

With this membership you will have a maximum of owning  20 Ad vouchers.  Which will give you a maximum earning of 200$ per week.

Diamond:  You are ready to go!  Ready to make some changes in your life!

You my friend are limitless.  You can earn what you want to earn.  Wanna give yourself a raise?  Buy some more vouchers.


Bare in mind that if you purchase a silver membership and lets say you max out with 5 ad vouchers and you would like to buy another in that period.  When you upgrade you will lose the rest of the duration of the membership.  Each membership is for 30 days so if you’re at day 15 you will lose the rest of that month, your new membership will have a new 30 day period.

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