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How Do The Distributors Get Benefited From The Yevo Compensation Plan?

YEVO Global International is the latest MLM food company in the market, which is offering natural and organic nutrient dense foods. The company will be offering more than 100 superior food-related products, which have been tested by the World Health Organization and the Institute of Medicine.

These foods have forty-three essential nutrients, like water, amino acid, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and many more, which are essential for human health.

Fresh food is the most powerful source from which our body can absorb all the essential nutrients, which our body cannot make by itself. But, in the present world, most of the food sources have become highly processed and thus, we are not getting enough nutrients from them. Instead, the processed foods have bad and addictive calories.

With each of the servings of Yevo foods you’ll get, 26g protein, 8g fiber, 1g omega 3s, 14 vitamins, 11 minerals, 15 macronutrients and 100 percent whole grain. Yevo foods do not contain, GMO, MSG, preservatives, Trans fat, high sodium, artificial colours or dyes.

These foods are uncooked and are not brought in contact with high heat.

Yevo Compensation Plan

Yevo International Comp Plan

There are six different package options, which you can join in Yevo, namely, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Presidential Platinum and Crown Platinum.

A distributor will be considered as active, only if he maintains a $100 Personal Volume at that particular period. More than fifty percent of their PV should come from the retain customers or preferred customer’s sales. Those distributors who will not remain active during a particular time, they will not receive any commission from the downline distributors for that period. They will only receive commissions from their Preferred and Retail customer purchase.

Detailed Compensation Plans of Yevo

Personal Sales Bonus:

This bonus is rewarded to the distributors on a weekly basis for sharing the products with others. As a distributor, you can earn up to twenty-five percent of the retail price of what you are selling to the Retail Customers and fifteen percent of what you are selling to Preferred Customers. It is essential to make a strong customer base, as it will not only help you to grow your business, but, will help you to derive a great income from your customers’ purchase.

Preferred Customer Bonus:

This bonus will help you to earn an additional amount of up to $200 on a monthly basis, depending on the Preferred Customer purchases. The amount of this bonus will be dependent mainly on factors, i.e. the number of purchasing Preferred Customers and the total amount of Preferred Customers Volume of each month. As these Preferred Customer programs usually involve monthly shipments, you can easily derive this bonus every month with the same number of PCs.

First 30-day bonus:

Whenever as an active distributor you will enroll any new distributor or customer, you will be able to get a first 30-day bonus on all of their personal purchases in those first 30 days. You are going to get this bonus in addition to the Retail Profits or Level 1 bonus, which you are going to receive from the same purchases. Thus, if you are enrolling someone new as a customer or distributor, you are getting a twenty-five percent of his Personal Volume or PV.

Advancement Bonus:

Yevo has introduced a concept of career title for all its distributors. The career title of the distributor will be his recognition title. You will have to meet certain requirements to earn your title. If you are earning Silver 1 title, within the first three months of your business, you will be able to claim a one-time bonus. Once you obtain your Silver 1 title or a higher title, if you help your personally enrolled distributors to obtain the Silver 1 or higher title, you will be given a Matching Advancement Bonus.

You will only be able to claim this bonus, if you are paid-as Silver 1 or higher in the month the enrolled person is getting this Advancement bonus.

Unilevel Bonus:

If a distributor is qualifying for the title of Bronze 1 or higher, he naturally becomes eligible to be paid on the Commissionable

Volume of the products that is purchased by your personally enrolled distributors, customers and even the customers of your enrolled distributors. You can get this bonus on the CV of the products purchased by customers and distributors below you, up to the seventh level.

Team Building Bonus:

If you are paid as a Silver 1, you can easily get a Team Building Bonus, on a monthly basis. This bonus is paid on each Leg, which at least has one Paid-as Silver or higher. The amount of your bonus will be depending on your own Paid-as Title as well as the highest Paid-as Title in each Leg. You will get this reward mainly because of developing the distributors whom you have enrolled. The more legs you have, you get a better chance of earning those Team Building Bonuses.

Leader Bonus:

Once you get qualified for the Gold 1 Career Title, you will be able to claim bonus on the CV of the Generations under you. The Generation can be initiated once you reach a Title of Silver 3 or higher. Generations are based on Titles and not on locations and thus, there is a chance for it to get overlapped with level bonuses. Thus, you will be paid multiple times on the CV of the same distributors below you. Infinity Bonus: Once you get qualified for the title of Presidential Planitum or higher, you will be able to get an Infinity Bonus on the CV of your 7th Generation or more. This bonus will pay you on the CV of each other and so, multiple Presidential Platinum or higher will get paid on the same order. This helps you to benefit your earning potential to a significant level.

Global Bonus Pool:

This bonus will be given to you on the company’s entire global CV. Your share will be depending on your leadership rank. This bonus will be rewarded to the distributors for appreciating them for their significant contribution and sustained effort in building up the Yevo business.

Thus, Yevo has brought huge rewards for all its distributors, so that, it can boost their earing potential to a large extend.

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