(928) 351-7806 EriginMarketing@gmail.com

 Worldwide Storefront 

When I open the doors to my business, the whole world can walk in. Can you imagine?  What better way to do business? A global marketplace right from my dining room table.  It’s crazy, and unimaginably fun and profitable with unlimited potential. And here’s one of the biggest advantages of having a global storefront:  there’s no real “store” and there’s no brick and mortar “front.”  

Our parents and grandparents were brave and worked really hard; they found and rented and renovated retail or business space and sold to whoever could physically get to them.   Oh the annoyance of having a building to take care of!  Leaky pipes, broken windows, cash registers, weather problems…. it’s a pretty endless list when you’re talking brick and mortar. When I look at how EASY my business is compared to folks who marketed and sold stuff just a decade ago, I can hardly believe it. It’s a good time to be a business person.

I have the world right out on the sidewalk because I have an online business marketing for different entities.  Want to talk about the advantages of an online business?  Let’s start here:  I don’t rent “space” and my customer base is unlimited. My overhead and even start-up costs are really low – depending on which business you’re working for or with – and I can even use some valid tax write-offs for my home office.  We’ve already talked enough about the pain of renting real estate (toilet’s broken!) but in my business the only real estate I need is the rug beneath my feet in my cozy own place.  Usually in slippers.

But when I “open” my business it’s open 24/7 and 365 days a year.  My grandparents had to physically be “up and at ‘em” as they would say, at the store to run the place and of course they couldn’t be there every day year round.  Unless the store is open, you’re not making money.  With an online business and the right understanding of auto responders and programs, I’m open for biz all the time.  Even when I sleep.

But the biggest advantage to being an online marketer is that my customer base includes EVERYONE in the world.  There is no limit to the people I can work with.  With a couple of keywords or links I can talk to and work with customers from every continent.  I don’t need to live out of a suitcase or spend endless hours watching the airline board say FLIGHT CANCELLED.










I’m right here, at home, talking with folks in Pakistan, marketing to customers in the UK.

A worldwide storefront with no bricks and mortar.  That’s unlimited potential, and that’s what an online business is about.  It’s not always easy.  I mean, you have to strategize, work hard, be willing to fail, be resilient, make plans, think big – just like any other business.  But you do it with virtually no overhead, often in your pjs, without any commute but the walk from your bedroom.  And you can reach out to folks everywhere.  So cool.  Open for business, all the time, to the whole world.


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