(928) 351-7806 EriginMarketing@gmail.com

Sell What You Love

Steve Jobs, the genius CEO of Apple, sure knew what he was talking about.  He revolutionized the world, really, and turned the way we do business upside-down.  His core belief about success was that you have to do what you love.  And he always told his people to “sell dreams, not products.”  When you work for yourself, in an online business, you get to do both:  what you love (where you love), selling dreams.

How many times have you come across a website for an online business when you think:

Wow, this is a great product and a great price.  I could do this! 

When an online site or business inspires you ask yourself why? What is it about this product or presentation that floats my boat?  I’m lucky enough to be involved in several online marketing businesses where I get to advertise, market, and sell stuff I use and love and believe in.

So Steve Jobs would ask:  what’s your passion?  Then I’m pretty sure he’d encourage you to find a way to sell that dream ONLINE (after all, he’s the Daddy of Online Everything).  Maybe it’s health, good food, fitness products, supplements (all stuff I love) or access to cheap or free calling plans.  Maybe you love to travel and want to make it affordable for you and others.  Maybe you just love fun and want to bring products to the marketplace that enhance people’s lives.

The good news – no, wait – the GREAT news is that we can do this simply and really efficiently through online marketing.  Pick a passion, any passion and you can find a way to make a profit.  That’s how Steve Jobs defined success. He had other big inspirations that apply to your online business:  make a dent in the universe, he said, and create insanely great customer experiences. 

With an online marketing business you do both.  The “dent” you make in a worldwide market is, literally, universal.  Your customers are everywhere as is your reach and profit potential.  And it’s YOUR BUSINESS so you can make it as insanely great for your customers as you want.  What other generation of workers has had this kind of amazing experience and opportunity?

People ask me if online marketing is “easy” and I tell them “nothing in the world of business is ‘easy’ but it can be fun.” And you work hard, stay focused, bounce back from your missteps and keep moving forward. It makes all the difference in the world when I’m working with a product or company I really appreciate.  That motivates me more and when I’m  motivated, guess what?  I make more money.  It’s my business, my experience to build and grow.  Through the internet, the whole world is my stage and storefront.  And because of great technology, I can make money while I sleep – auto responders and online stores make that part of the business pretty darn easy.

My advice about starting an online business?  Pick something you love, work hard, and make that dent in the universe.


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