(928) 351-7806 EriginMarketing@gmail.com

I’ve Got Your Passive Residual Income

Passive residual income is something that a lot of people are chasing today, and why wouldn’t they?

It is basically working less and making more money!

Well the easiest ways to take advantage of passive residual income is to create it!

Sure, piece a cake. How in the hell are you supposed to do that?

Network marketing companies or MLM’s allow people to create passive residual income, but… it doesn’t necessarily happen the way that they have predicted it.

Passive Residual IncomeI know sometimes I felt like Clark W. Griswold and my passive income stuck in the middle of Walley World.

Everything I tried was an adventure!

That’s why I’ve decided to take a look at some of the snags that are standing in the line of making residual income passively.

The Obstacle

When you join a network marketing or MLM structure, the money you make will be based on the volume of what your team and you make in a month.

It’s pretty standard, you’re told that you need to find 3 separate people who are committed and who will be able to find 3 more and so on.

The real challenge here lies in the fact that people today are less likely to be committed towards marketing programs.

They want to see instant results and don’t like to wait for their money, which is why the vast majority of them don’t really finish the program.

The worst part here is… They usually jump on the first shiny new program with someone else.
If you want to create a residual income for the long term, MLM’s are one of the best ways you can do that.

So it’s a problem that you’ll have to give ultimate Jackie Chan to the nutz!

The majority of the people you bring in will suffer from this same problem, which basically happens when they give up on MLM structure within the first 3 months.

It takes a special kind of commitment and dedication to stick it out through the MLM plan and come out on the other side with some income that keeps coming in every week.

Solution to the problem

So how do you overcome this problem?

There are lots of ways through which you can create passive income in a MLM structure.

You just need to learn your program in and out. Be sincere! Don’t Hype!

The first thing that you would have to worry about would be the marketing of the products.

Since of majority of people salesmen that could sell a ketchup popsicle to a women in white gloves.

So what they are stuck with is a product that is overpriced and is not selling in the market.

The best solution then is to work with an organization that offers products that are based on the needs and wants of a person on a daily basis.

Now what does all that jazz mean?

Well… They really don’t have to sell.

They just need to share a product that works and see where the chips fall where they may.

So.. Here’s that solution:

Yevo International!  Yevo has solid products with a great group of owners that all care about one thing.  Us!

Take a look!

Join us in Team Vision you will get all the support and backing that I’ve been talking about.

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