(928) 351-7806 EriginMarketing@gmail.com

Okay, Let me explain:


Snake oil salesmen have had a bad rep for a long time. And rightly so… Most times they were selling some mixture of miscellaneous liquids that they found, then claimed it was a cure all. I’m sure that fathers around the world were pouring it on pretty much everything, a lot like they do with Robitussin now.

Hell, my dad had one bottle, It was for: Coughs, Sneezing, Allergies, Cuts, Bruises, and Scrapes. Once he poured it on my broken arm.

What’s funny is how do you prove that it didn’t work? He still claims it sped up the healing process.

Back to the snake oil. I wasn’t around for those days, but I can see the sleazy salesman come riding in with a big top hat and a smile. I’m sure they had fancy bottles that made that Castrol oil just sparkle. Probably like shopping at Bevmo, Do I buy the liquor in the plastic bottle? Or the one with the bottle shaped like a skull? Go with the Skull!

Snake Oil salesmen started that form of marketing.

Well that’s unproven but sure why not?


Enter the Nyloxin

You can imagine my skepticism when the told me that the Nyloxin products number one ingredient is Cobra Venom. I’m thinking great, I’m gonna be that guy.

 I don’t even own a top hat. I’d probably look more like Loyd in “Dumb and Dumber”.

I’m thinking, I’ll look at your product and give you my opinion on it, but that’s about it. Besides the Loyd look doesn’t really look good on me.

So, looking into the product it actually doesn’t look half bad. I’m not a chronic pain guy but I gave some to one of my friends who is and He seemed to like the product.


Puts The Pain On Shut Down


Nyloxin is believed to work by targeting some of the same receptors on nerve cells that are also recognized by nicotine. These receptors are found in nerves outside the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and they are also found on cells of the immune system. Specialized proteins in Nyloxin block the action of acetylcholine, a major stimulating neurotransmitter in the nervous system and activator of the inflammatory pathways. As a result, the pain and inflammation pathways are temporarily shut off. In some clinical studies, Nyloxin pain relieving products could provide prolonged chronic muscle and joint relief.


Now, that’s a very scientific explaination of how Nyloxin works.


So I Bought A Top Hat

I started digging into the actual opportunity. Which is pretty much what I do here at eriginmarketing.com.

Publicly Traded Company – That’s good. Not some fly by night guy that started up a new business with some product that no one has heard of.

4X4 Forced Matrix– Sounds pretty good. You don’t have to have a thousand people in a matrix before you fill it. Along with compression shouldn’t be to bad.

40% Match– I’m interested… Of course you get less unless you go all in as they say. No big deal, if I’m going in, I’m going in sorta speak.

No Recuriting To Get Paid– Wait what? You don’t actually have to bring in anyone in order to start getting paid. Okay so where the hell do you buy a top hat again?

Company Advertising With Profit Share – That’s right, the company will do infomercials and other forms of advertising. You can choose to invest into that or not. But, for the people who do, they will receive a profit share of the sales for that campaign. I want the Hat with the big ass feather!


I went somewhere between the pimp and Willy Wonka with the hat. Ended up looking more like Prince, or however you say that symbol…


Why Join Nyloxin


There are a couple reasons. They have a solid product that has a ton of applications. The products help people get off that dependence of harsh Pain Meds, etc. They also have a bunch more patents that will be put into action here in the not to distant future.

But as far as the opportunity goes, I’ve always looked for a company that would advertise for you and allow you to buy into that. Sure It’s not without risk just like everything else. I’ve marketed for a long time and I’ve seen some great results and I’ve seen some bad ones. The company has a team that Nyloxin has in place are using avenues of advertising that I could never afford as a single marketer. Pooling the money to together and really putting out some great results.

The forced matrix alone will be a great source of income. So definitely take a good look the program and see if its for you. We have put some awesome tools together to aid in your success. Go here for some more info on joining our team.

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