(928) 351-7806 EriginMarketing@gmail.com

Email Marketing Guru’s

Tons of people have little to no idea on how to grow the online biz with email advertising.  If you hunt around there are tons of guru’s out there that have a part of the answer.

What I’m gonna hit on in this just some helpful tips or some tutoring that will point you in the right direction to email stardom.

Subject lines that kick ass

Picking your subject lines is truthfully a science.  It’s always evolving and taught in a way like its a unicorn in the wild.

Ditch the hype.  No one want to read your how to buy a lambo email.  Spammy subject lines suck, and don’t get opened.  Be creative and think about what you like to see in your inbox.  Split test them.  Then test them again.

Know your audience.

It’s not always about you.  What are your readers gonna have to open?  Think witty, funny, and truthful.

You have to write what you want to write about.

If you write a subject line about a boring ass topic.  Not gonna work.  If you wouldn’t open it up, then how can you expect your readers to?  You can’t.  Truth is think about what you open first thing in the morning.

What do you open while thumbing thru your inbox?

Hint: It’s not- “Do you keep your business opportunities open?  Open to Be A Millionaire!”

Passion Shows

Get imaginative with your e-mail makes to learn what works best. Send a couple of emails with content and links that differ in their typefaces and text color. Play around with image positioning, featuring buttons and company logos.

After you’ve delivered the emails, learn which ones had the most effective click-thru rates. Stick with those for the time being, but alter it up on occasion to see if you can easily discover a method that works even better.

The higher the click-thru rates usually means the more sales.

Only as effective as your landing page

See you thought it was just about the email.  Nope

Make sure that your landing page lives up to the client’s expectations. The customer is obviously thinking about what you’re cooking if they have actually clicked on the link in your e-mail.

There really is nothing worse than having click on a link that goes to a “results not found page” or eve a 404 error.  You work very hard for that click.  So make sure all of them count.  No broken links.  Always test them.

Be Consistent with your emails

You spent all this time building your email list right?

Don’t pester your list offer after offer, don’t abuse it.  I’m not saying you can’t send them offers, I’m just saying space them out and provide value.  After a reader gets about the third offer from you they’re gone.

Plus the odds of landing in the spam folder go way up if you don’t give them any value in.

Aweber, Constant Contact, or the Mail Chimp Pimp

Aweber– A spell check nightmare.  This the granddaddy of them.  Been around for a long time and probably one of the best in the niche.  They have pretty good features and options.  One thing I don’t like is the reporting sometimes is limited.  Really not user friendly.  You can eventually figure it out, it’s just not as friendly as some of the others.

Constant Contact – To tell you truth I’ve never really used them much.  Pricing is a bit higher but not out of control.  Same basic features, but you do have to pay a bit more when you want the autoresponder.  So if you’re looking to automate you might want to look more at Aweber.

Mail Chimp – I love mail chimp.  Affiliate Beware If you are an affiliate you won’t be able to send offers thru them at all.  Trust me!  They’ll shut you down.  But if you don’t send offers the deliverability of the chimp pimp is probably one of the best.  So if you can get in and stay in more power to you.  The features are great, very user friendly, and free until you get to the autoresponders.  Then the pricing is still very competitive.

What about a share? Or ten?

Your emails have to have at least one social sharing button to gain higher click through rates. What else it does, each social share increases you reach with your email marketing.  Back to building your list and finding new subscribers.

You’re gonna wanna have at least three social platforms for better results, and try to think about what platforms will get you the most shares with your audience.

Always ask for the share.  Social is the way of the present.

Email Survey

Try following up with a survey when sending a follow-up e-mail to your customers. You can use survey system like survey monkey to kinda gain some input on what you readers want.

The ending P.S. on the message can advise them to make the most of this opportunity that you are supplying them.

E-Mail Trick: You can start your email campaign with one that sounds like this.

Hey Jon,

Can you reply to this email with a quick “Got it”.

I just want to make sure you’re getting the Info you wanted.



What that will do is, once Jon responds to your email you will now be whitelisted on his email.  Which means goodbye spam box.  Your emails will be getting into his inbox with all the value that you can provide.

Images, or email templates

Heres my take:

When I open an email and it is a full page of nothing but raw text, I ain’t reading it.  You could write the most intriguing subject line like:

My Poor Friends And Cameron Diaz’s Parrot

If I open it and it’s all text.  Nah

So you need to dress it up a bit.  But, you can over do it.  So when you’re looking at templates for your email try to pick something clean and concise.  Not flashy.  Something that says hey this person put some time in this email.  Not Boom!

Email Blasts

Email blasts have been around for a long time.

They’re a spammers wet dream.

Fact is, if you’re thinking about an email blast or something to that effect… You’re really not passionate about what you’re writing about.

You are plastering email boxes with offers or nonsense of how to make your million bucks sitting in a bean bag chair eating Cheetos.

Don’t do em.  The Cheetos are fine.

You’re wrecking your reputation and it’s probably just gonna land in the spam box anyway.

Now you’re a e-mailing pro

Now you’re on your way to being the next email advertising guru.

Here’s the deal, provide your subscribers with value and keep it engaging.  You’ll be just fine.  Try to get a response when you can.  Weather it be a social share, an click on a product or image, or even an unsubscribe.

To often people take it personally when readers unsubscribe from their list.  That is a chance to learn from what you weren’t providing to that person.

A simple fact: You can’t please everyone.  But you can definitely learn from it.

So be sure to follow up with your list and test, test, test.  Go Get em.

Be sure to give me a share or ten.  Or hit me up in the comments if you have any questions.

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